Sunday, July 18, 2010

Warband Party Limit Is 25

summer break

.... now I say goodbye in the (I think) deserved summer break, for so quietly I have of course to my "Autumn House" continue taunting and can now finally the photos . Show So here are
Block 7, 8 and 9

and even the whole quilt with border ....

.... but who now have to wait for "Quilt temperatures!

Have even more new .... after the holidays begin a new adventure for me - in fact it has started it years ago when I quilted my first quilt "for others" and I've always dreamed about such a Longarm .... then last year when I quilt any more because my lame wing should, I was already a little frustrated, but the rest has done the arm well and it should stay!!
But the dreams? Stay dreams .... until they become a reality then.
..... by chance I can rent a small, elegant Räumchen (and my "great treasure" has meant that what it was for my "little Quilterei"
....) If you had you can say it twice: o) nenenenene. ...
So I struck and I realized a dream ......
last few weeks she is here now, MY Milli
and we have quite a few hours together chatting and we learned a little more familiar ....

... and even quilted a strong colorful summer tablecloth.
are now but first holiday, husband and children at home and the holiday is coming up.

And after the summer break we put then get started with our new adventure ...

wish you all a wonderful summer! Best regards Claudia

Missouri Department Treasury Of Unclaimed Money

My flycatcher .. What a Saturday

.... is gray, mackerel, perhaps a bit small side but with an excellent bounce ...
.... and is named Luzia.
And it is an excellent fly-fishing: for me this summer, none of these animals throughout the fly has even the slightest chance!!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Adenopathy At Left Helium

Sparkling Hard dress brooches

in hours of work were twice .. once pink and turquoise / blue iridescent ....
great for the great tunics and dresses ... so that each garment can be polished to show off :-)) Just between the bust with the help of the needle ....
Lg Marion

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Pregnant Nadine Jansen News

This morning, almost 40 degrees.
have the stable of our great festival, where the girls, despite the heat all

to also time for the beginning of the quarter-finals to deal with all the games and actions.

And then came time for the kickoff of the Viertelfinles arrived already the storm.
man - that was another thriller. These guys are real madness!
is now the game is over,
in the garden a few puddles

and the garden pond is full to the brim again

and my hibiscus looks more like a weeping willow

Luzie has crumbled on her chair and keeps cleaning hours

and I have my next block of the Autumn House "almost" ready.

missing only the feet of the crows (I assumed the embroidery thread .....)
Wish you a nice weekend